Job offer
Join our team as a Sales Assistant and provide crucial assistance in daily sales operations, helping to coordinate meetings, draft agreements, and manage client communications. In this role, you will ensure the accuracy and organization of sales documentation, update CRM systems, and support our sales and marketing teams in crafting tailored offers. This position is ideal for someone with strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to thrive in a dynamic environment. Your efforts will directly contribute to our success and efficiency in the competitive space industry.
Sybilla Technologies designs builds and operates robotic optical observatories for monitoring objects in space. The company specializes in the complete systems, software for automated data acquisition, analysis, and scheduling of networks of sensors. We work in the domains of Space Situational Awareness, Space Surveillance and Tracking, Space Traffic Management, Near Earth Objects, stellar and planetary research, education, and commercial on-demand observations.
Want to apply for this job offer? Great. Want to apply for any of the job openings? Great. Send us an email with your resume and a few sentences about why you would be an ideal candidate for this position. Send email to:
W związku z udziałem w procesie rekrutacji będziemy przetwarzać Twoje dane osobowe. Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Sybilla Technologies spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością z siedzibą w Bydgoszczy. Podstawą przetwarzania danych osobowych wskazanych w treści Kodeksu pracy jest niezbędność ich przetwarzania w celu zawarcia umowy pomiędzy stronami (art. 6 ust. 1 lit b RODO). Podstawą przetwarzania innych danych, które zostaną zamieszczone w dokumentach rekrutacyjnych jest zgoda (art. 6 ust. 1 lit a RODO). Podając nam dane osobowe, które nie są wskazane w treści Kodeksu Pracy w CV lub innych dokumentach rekrutacyjnych, wyrażasz zgodę na ich przetwarzanie. Możesz skontaktować się z administratorem danych wysyłając e-mail na adres:
We will process your personal data in connection with your participation in the recruitment process. The administrator of your personal data is Sybilla Technologies spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, based in Bydgoszcz, Poland. The basis for the processing of personal data indicated in the content of the Labor Code is the necessity of its processing for the purpose of concluding a contract between the parties (Article 6(1)(b) RODO). The basis for the processing of other data that will be included in recruitment documents is consent (Article 6(1)(a) RODO). By providing us with personal data that is not indicated in the contents of the Labor Code in your resume or other recruitment documents, you consent to its processing. You can contact the data administrator by sending an e-mail to:
Interested in our services? Or maybe just want to find out more? Don’t hesitate and get in touch with us!
Sybilla Technologies Sp. z o. o.
Toruńska 59, 85-023 Bydgoszcz, Poland
KRS: 0000397835
TAX ID: 9532632892
+48 792 356 675
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM UTC
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