
Innovative software for efficient, accurate point and streak sources used in astrometry and photometry.

State-of-the-art IT solution

Lightstream is a fully functional, innovative software created for processing, storing, and sharing optical, high-volume, and high-speed data from optical sensors monitoring space from CCD and CMOS cameras. This project will make it possible to create a catalog of artificial Earth satellites, space debris, and asteroids, together with a pilot infrastructure capable of displaying substantial amounts of optical observations of the sky.
LIGHTSTREAM State-of-the-art IT solution

Powerful file repository

Capturing optical data using advanced systems to store and catalog Earth’s orbit objects.

Reliable and quickly proceeded data

Providing accurate space object coordinates by compressing real-time observational data with astrometrical solutions.

Various browser-accessible

Preserving, handling, and distributing all gathered data in one cloud repository via the web.

Processing workflows

Letting you create astrometric processing workflows from scratch or apply one of the ones defined previously.
Icon – Expertise


End-to-end space security management

Helping you manage space security with customizable solutions regardless of your equipment – from individual observatories to the entire network.

Adapted for scientific research

Supporting research and experiments through our software that includes scientifically-useful features and a pilot infrastructure.

Identity management

Securing all of our services, tools, and data via an OAuth2 standard.


Providing command-line tools and Application Programming Interfaces – a necessity for every developer.

Subpixel accuracy

Enabling a precise measurement of useful signal to the background noise level, so signal-to-noise ratio, for both point sources and streaks with lower than 6 dB!

Export formats

Exporting results in the format of your choice: CSV, JSON, TDM, MPC

Powerful file repository

This tool aims to store and share high-volume, high-speed optical data from space-observing optical sensors. Our tool handles large data volumes and high data rates and can efficiently operate in harsh space environments. And to do this effectively, specialized and technologically advanced systems are required. This task is crucial to building a comprehensive catalog of Earth’s artificial satellites, space junk, and asteroids – which we also aimed for when creating the Lightstream project.
Powerful file repository
Reliable and quickly processed data

Reliable and quickly processed data

With Lightstream, you can receive efficient, accurate data in almost real time and analyze hundreds of frames within seconds. In conjunction with our astrometrical solutions, we aim to deliver a tool to get rid of raw, unprocessed observational information to compile and then compress all – letting you receive what you need, so a specific, precise answer like objects’ exact coordinates.

Various-browser accessible

Our software’s made to assemble and then handle big data gathered via optical observations by allowing you to access our powerful tool via various browsers, from currently most well-known, to evergreen ones – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. As you see, you don’t need to adjust, as we have already taken care of it.
Manage and process via the web
Manage and process via the web

Processing workflows

Process one or more files using flexible workflows, which can be utilized manually or automatically during file processing or import at any moment. Lightstream will then display the solution on the FITS frame after processing the most recent findings and loading them. If needed, you can load earlier results and track their progress status.

Accurate astrometry and photometry

Lightstream is a specialized software package designed to provide accurate and efficient astrometry and photometry solutions for astronomical CCD and CMOS cameras. One of its key features is the ability to utilize advanced algorithms and techniques to measure the positions and brightness of point and streak sources in astronomical images.
Sybilla Technologies Sp. z o.o. has received financial support for the project POIR.01.01.01-00-0831/19-00 “LightStream – preparation and implementation for production of innovative software for efficient, accurate astrometry and photometry of point and streak sources for astronomical CCD, CMOS cameras”. The project is co-financed by the European Union with funds from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises”. The project is implemented under the competition of the National Center for Research and Development: Fast Track.   Total value of the project 3,910,562.50 PLN   Subsidy from the European Regional Development Fund 2,825,415.00 PLN