Job offer

System Engineer

Join our team as a System Engineer and play a pivotal role in designing and integrating complex systems within our innovative projects. In this position, you will gather and analyze requirements, develop system architectures, oversee software and hardware integration, and ensure system security and reliability. This role offers the opportunity to work across various functions, manage critical projects, and stay at the forefront of technological advancements, making significant contributions to our goals in an exciting and dynamic environment.

system engineer mini

About Sybilla Technologies

Sybilla Technologies designs builds and operates robotic optical observatories for monitoring objects in space. The company specializes in the complete systems, software for automated data acquisition, analysis, and scheduling of networks of sensors. We work in the domains of Space Situational Awareness, Space Surveillance and Tracking, Space Traffic Management, Near Earth Objects, stellar and planetary research, education, and commercial on-demand observations.

Who we are looking for

We are seeking a highly skilled professional to join our team, tasked with creating, reviewing, negotiating, and implementing complex system designs encompassing IT hardware and software for international consortia focused on Space Traffic Management systems for the European Union, as well as commercial products.

If you excel at managing diverse documentation requirements (business, user, system, functional, non-functional), simplifying processes, and are familiar with ECSS, ISO, or similar standards, and if you are passionate about shaping systems that monitor and coordinate space traffic for both civil and defense applications, we want to hear from you. Your expertise is needed to make a significant impact.

Your Responibilities

  • Gathering and Analyzing Requirements: Collect and analyze requirements from stakeholders to define system architecture and design specifications. 
  • System Design: Develop and document the overall system architecture, ensuring seamless integration of hardware and software components. 
  • Technology Selection: Choose appropriate software and hardware technologies based on performance, reliability, and cost considerations. 
  • Software Responsibilities: Oversee or contribute to developing control software, data processing algorithms, and user interfaces. 
  • Ensuring Integration: Ensure integration with hardware components for seamless operation. 
  • Software Testing and Validation: Oversee software testing and validation. 
  • System Security: Develop and enforce security policies; implement access controls, encryption, and monitoring systems; ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. 
  • Operations and Maintenance: Implement remote monitoring and diagnostics; develop maintenance schedules for hardware and software; perform system upgrades and apply patches; create and maintain user manuals and SOPs. 
  • Data Management: Ensure reliable data acquisition from observatories and sensors; develop data processing pipelines for analysis and interpretation. 
  • Project Management: Coordinate with cross-functional teams. 
  • Innovation and Improvement: Stay updated with technological advancements; identify and implement process improvements to enhance system efficiency, reliability, and scalability.  


  • Higher degree in engineering in STEM.  
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience in systems engineering.  
  • Experience in similar role, especially in Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Aerospace, or related sector.  
  • Proven track record of successful integration and validation of complex systems.  
  • Excellent communication skills (required to work in a).  
  • Excellent reporting skills (for documentation, keeping track of changes, etc.).  
  • Good knowledge of Requirements Engineering.  
  • Good knowledge of system integration, verification and validation.  
  • Fluent in English, both in speech and writing.  

Nice to Have

  • Experience in Space industry or interest in space-related topics. 

Terms of employment

  • Remote employment model (Bydgoszcz/Zielonka) – occasional visits. 
  • Salary: 23000 – 26000 PLN/B2B or employment contract depending on your experience and qualifications. 
  • The candidate will be offered compensation relative to his/her experience and skills.   
  • Full-time job.  
  • Flexible work time.  
  • Medical package and sport package.   
  • “Telescopic Thursdays” – the opportunity to use our facilities for personal, hobbyist observations.  
  • An option to participate in the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), allowing employees to have ownership and share in the company’s success in 2025. 
  • Conference opportunities.  
  • Company’s library.  

Want to apply for this job offer? Great. Want to apply for any of the job openings? Great. Send us an email with your resume and a few sentences about why you would be an ideal candidate for this position. Send email to:

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We will process your personal data in connection with your participation in the recruitment process. The administrator of your personal data is Sybilla Technologies spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, based in Bydgoszcz, Poland. The basis for the processing of personal data indicated in the content of the Labor Code is the necessity of its processing for the purpose of concluding a contract between the parties (Article 6(1)(b) RODO). The basis for the processing of other data that will be included in recruitment documents is consent (Article 6(1)(a) RODO). By providing us with personal data that is not indicated in the contents of the Labor Code in your resume or other recruitment documents, you consent to its processing. You can contact the data administrator by sending an e-mail to: or by regular mail, sending a parcel to: Toruńska 59 Street, 85-023 Bydgoszcz. If you wish to participate also in future recruitment processes, please include the following clause in the body of your CV: “I agree to the processing by Sybilla Technologies sp. z o.o. of my personal data also for the purposes of future recruitment proceedings.”