
Web-based scheduling tools for astronomical observatories.

The Webplan suite

The Webplan project aims to offer the highest-quality scheduling tools that consider sensor availability, object visibility, environmental statistics, and search for the best opportunity windows. From sensor management to scheduling and data administration, you can access anywhere, anytime, with unlimited targets and sensor scheduling simultaneously. Its modular architecture allows you to use our every product as either independent tools or integrate them into a unified environment. Thought-trough to take your astronomical research to the next level.
The Webplan suite

Network Management

Manage your optical, laser, and radar sensors from one place using real-time gathered data supporting basic and advanced telemetry.

Customized scheduling

Plan automatically or manually through either scheduling agents’ commands or your personalized guidelines.

AstroDrive file repository

Display and manipulate your data or manage files and folders in dedicated storage, AstroDrive.

Multiple object catalogs

Access catalog searches during observation planning. All integrated with up-to-date astronomical and spacecraft databases.
Icon – Expertise


SSO & GNSS correlation

Automatic object correlation with Solar System Objects or GNSS satellites.

Sensor Timebooking

Schedule time on a sensor, either for observations or service.


Command-line tools and Application Programming Interfaces are available.

OAuth2 Secured

Full data protection by granting access in accordance with OAuth2 standard

Web-available management

Automate sensor planning and preparing observation programs, all via your browser.

Budget control

Oversee and manage accounts added to scheduling agents and time slots.

Network Management

Maintain and operate your whole network singlehandedly. Through Webplan, you can perform various basic or advanced telemetry actions such as checking current sensor status parameters and displaying a globe map with current sunset zones and access to your sensor’s list. We also ensure full data format compatibility, so JSON, GeoJSON, and CSV are all supported.
Network Management
All-in-one storage ASTRODRIVE

AstroDrive file repository

AstroDrive is the core of our software suite, providing cloud storage and management services for all your astronomical data. We gathered various astronomical tools tailored in one integrated online environment, easily accessible anytime you want. This tool allows data to flow from the observatory to the cloud and is available in the browser of your choice everywhere. This scalable, cost-balanced service is equipped with fine-tuned detection and analysis algorithms to match your equipment. This file storage helps you manage, display and manipulate data and images via picture editing tools (basic image manipulation: histogram, scaling, and color maps).

Customized scheduling

When designing and listing Scheduling Agent’s features, we had a strictly oriented vision to provide you with your personal, automatized assistant. It could detailedly plan the sensor’s observational timetable and, later on, perform an agenda overview to check for you what observations are scheduled for the next day. And its features list goes on, from calculating object passes to allocating time and arranging observation programs through one simple and easy-to-use online tool. If an automated solution is not what you require, an opportunity to complete hand-manipulate planning parameters is a possible adjustment.
Customized scheduling
Multiple object catalogs

Multiple object catalogs

You can easily access catalog searches and browse through the most recent astronomical and spacecraft databases with the help of the advanced observation planning system. For astronomers, it’s vital when making a well-informed choice: the user-friendly interface and extensive database guarantee efficient and precise observation planning. Additionally, you can use catalog searches when preparing an observation (both manual and via Scheduling Agents) and calculate any object’s current ephemeris (so TLE, equatorial coordinates). It is integrated with Space-Track service for the latest spacecraft data and ephemeris, Simbad astronomical database, and Quaero object API for Solar System objects.


The Webplan suite sends observation programs to the sensor while waiting for the data. Then, the sensor’s processing pipeline can transfer data to AstroDrive after observations are complete. You can view the outcomes, visualize the data in your browser, and keep track of your campaign’s progress. And last but not least – either raw, FITS data, or TDM, they’re all acceptable.

Project partners

The Webplan project was made possible thanks to the assistance of our partners.
The Webplan project has been developed under the ESA contract no. 4000125521/18/D/CT