
Sybilla Technologies


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Forbes Diamonds 2024 Sybilla Technologies
Sybilla Technologies shines in the tech industry as it clinches the Forbes Diamond 2024 title, affirming its stature in innovation and growth. This prestigious award heralds the company’s financial robustness and forward-looking vision, marking a significant milestone in its journey.
Sybilla Technologies Open University
Sybilla Technologies proudly supports the Open University’s OpenSTEM Labs, recognized with the 2023 Queen’s Anniversary Prize for enabling students worldwide to remotely access cutting-edge robotic telescopes for real-time astronomical research and learning.
Zero Debris Charter ESA
This groundbreaking initiative, facilitated by ESA’s ‘Protection of Space Assets’ Accelerator, is more than just a document—it’s a mission. A mission to pave the way for a future where space, our final frontier, is free from the risks of debris by 2030.
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